Personal Data File
Personal Data Act (523/1999) section 10
1) Controller
Stadin Dumari Tmi (y-tunnus: 2759268-3)
Puh: +358 45 6581 333
2) The person in charge and/or contact person
Jouni Korhonen
Puh: +358 45 6581 333
3) Name of the register
Client and measure register of the Stadin Dumari
4) The purpose for processing the personal data / the purpose for the use of a register
Managing, maintaining and developing the customer relationships. Planning, developing and marketing the business of the Stadin Dumari.
5) Content of the register
The file contains the following data on the data subjects:
– Basic personal data: Identification and contact data (name, address, phone number,
email address, nationality, domicile, language)
– Data relating to managing the client relationships.
– Change data of the above-mentioned data.
6) Regular sources of information
Data is obtained from the data subject him/herself or from the data subject’s representative, from public registers kept by the authorities and from credit data registers.
7) Regular destinations of disclosed data
Stadin Dumari can disclose data on the grounds permitted by current Finnish law. Data is not generally disclosed to outsiders.
Data is not transferred outside the European Union or the European Economic Area.
8) The principles how the data file/register is secured
Stadin Dumari has organized the protection of the file in a way which is generally accepted in this field of business. The usufruct of the file requires personal user name and password which are only given to the personnel of the controller. Giving the information from the register to outsiders without a permission is prohibited by the Finnish law.